Excellence in Political Reporting

Talib Visram, series, “On the Ground in Florida” (1/2/3), Fast Company

ABOUT THE WORK: The series is about the impact of a flurry of legislative policies [signed by Governor Ron DeSantis’] on ordinary people in the state.

The author writes: “After publication of the series, a professor at the University of Florida who I interviewed about a ‘brain drain’ of faculty from Florida said he'd found a printed copy of my story on the desk of the university's chief fundraiser—someone he said is sympathetic to the cause and would likely let administration know how faculty, students, and parents feel.

“Another of my sources reported he was so proud of the story that he hung it up, framed, on his wall. And parents of trans children I'd spoken to were sharing the story within their community Facebook group that is composed of other parents going through similar difficulties.”

Born and raised in London, Talib Visram is a freelance journalist based in New York. Most recently he was a Staff Writer at Fast Company, where his reporting focused on the social impact of business, and where he hosted the World Changing Ideas podcast. He’s had stints at CNNBusiness and Inc. Magazine, and has written for publications including The Atlantic, The Daily Beast, Men's Health, NBC News, and Vice.

Judges’ comments: “It was a commendable undertaking and the reporting was excellent.”

Honorable Mention: Kyung Lah, Patricia DiCarlo, Anna-Maja Rappard, Andy Buck, Andrew Smith, Jay McMichael, Megan Buckelew, Fahri Fakioglu, Alexander Lee, Stephanie Giambruno, Alexis Pazmino and Hamilton Riley, “'You're going to die': These are the people behind the threats to officials,” CNN

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Excellence in Pacific Islander Reporting


Excellence in Investigative Reporting